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Há outros artigos e livros de Marcos e Suely Inhauser à sua disposição no site www.pastoralia.com.br . Vá até lá e confira

terça-feira, 10 de agosto de 2010


Sofreremos.... Foi duro ver o jogo da seleção do Dunga. Não que eu esperasse mais de uma seleção com um técnico campeão do mundo em uma seleção que ganhou o título porque o Paulo Rossi chutou para fora o pênalti. Ele nunca me convenceu como jogador e muito menos como técnico. Mas, tinha lá eu alguma esperança, considerando o fato de que a Coréia do Norte é uma das mais fracas seleções desta Copa do Mundo. Achei que se poderia marcar uns quatro e não levar nenhum. Mas, quando terminou o primeiro tempo sem gols, minha tênue esperança ruiu. A quantidade de vezes que o Kaká errou passes me deu a impressão de que estava com a camisa errada e jogava para a Coréia. O Luis Fabiano era mais banheira que atacante, pela quantidade de vezes em que esteve impedido. O Robinho mais parecia galo ciscando no galinheiro que fazendo algo construtivo. A vitória construída com gols não feitos pelos atacantes, a meu ver, mostra o que se pode esperar desta seleção: nada. Um futebol burocrático, feio, sem arte, sem criatividade. Acho que o Dunga tem tanto medo da criatividade que isto o levou a não convocar o Neymar e o Ganso, porque poderiam inventar coisas que não estavam na sua tabuleta e nem no seu script de jogo. Ele quer a eficiência mínima: ganhando de um é certeza de três pontos, que é o que interessa. Pior do que ver o jogo da seleção é vê-lo com a narração do Galvão Bueno e os comentários do Casagrande. Fui ver o jogo na casa da filha, e como a casa não era minha, me submeti à escolha da maioria. Tive que agüentar o festival de patriotadas do garoto-propaganda da CBF e do Kaká. Mais de uma vez ele chamou a atenção para o fato de que o Kaká se movimentava em campo, como se isto fosse uma grande coisa e não o natural e o esperado dele em campo. Ouvi-lo dizer que o time viria forte para o segundo tempo e ver o que se viu, só pode ter vindo da boca de um narrador cuja credibilidade há muito se perdeu. Esta patriotada do Galvão casa muito bem com a do Dunga. Ele acha que patriotismo, orgulho de vestir a camisa, treino secreto e resposta zangada às perguntas dos jornalista é receita infalível de vitória. Talvez isto ele tenha aprendido nos livros de autoajuda do Augusto Cury. Ouvi-lo depois do jogo dizer que houve evolução, fez o Darwin se retorcer no túmulo. Poucas vezes na minha vida consegui dormir assistindo a um jogo. Hoje isto aconteceu nos minutos finais e não porque eu quisesse, mas a seleção é enfadonha. Ou ENFADUNGA? Marcos Inhauser

Um comentário:


    The title of Psalm 15 in Portuguese (ARA) reads: “The Heavenly Citzen” (O Cidadão dos Céus). This psalm describes a person that presumably will be in sanctuary of God, that is, in heavens, in the presence of God. The song goes on to list several virtues of this person-model: he is just, truthful, good, and incorruptible. One interesting thing about this “heavenly citizen” is that he is so called specifically because of his life in earth. So I think that this person should be called “a Citizen of the World” because here in this world is that we need this kind of people.

    I remembered of this thought of mine when reading this article of Inhauser. While reading it, I couldn’t help but wonder once again: “What kind of man is Inhauser?”. It’s dangerous to label people, especially a person like Inhauser, to whom any label won’t fit well. But I would like, only temporarily give him this title: “A Citizen of the World”. Let me explain why, inspired in this article.

    Here is a man that, although believing in eternal life, is not occupied with the affairs of the pos-earth life, as the majority of nowadays theologians are. His main concerning is his generation. He is not the materialistic man that says, “Let’s eat today because tomorrow we might die.” However, he does want to live the life to the fullest, drinking all its drags of sorrows and sufferings, as well as, celebrating with wine, beer (if his health still allows it) and “batucada” each and every joy in the journey.

    According to this article, now is time for this “Citizen of the World” to suffer with his nation for something that it may seem trivial to some conservationists, a lesser issue, of no real importance, the fact that the Brazilian Team was not doing good in the World Soccer Cup.

    Is that a theme worth of the rumination of a great intellect like Inhauser’s? You may ask me. And I would answer, “Yes, totally.” Why? Because the greatness of a man is not measured by the profundity of his theological statements or the cleverness of his social denouncements, but by his capacity of show empathy, solidarity, sensitiveness towards and with his fellow human beings of his generation, and be capable of laughing with those who laugh and crying with those who cry; at least that was what I have learnt from the N.T., through Inhauser, being his disciple in years past.

    So, this man, Inhauser, a World’s Citizen, is somebody that was not insensitive to this sad feeling that fell over the majority of Brazilians by seeing the ugly soccer our national team was playing (and that eventually kicked it out of the competition). Being the kind of man that he is, he COULD NOT, believe me, in this following opportunity come to his readers and talk ANYTHING ELSE, but soccer. It was in his heart. And, in this pulpit, this little space in this newspaper, he really speaks from the heart. Where is his heart? With his people, with his fellow nationals, with his generation, his neighbors – and, when you heart is with your neighbors, rest assured that your heart is also with God.

    So, what does matter if Inhauser came out a little too hard in his criticism here and there in his article? The most important thing in this article might have passed unnoticed by most of readers, but it is so revealing: the title, “Sofri, Sofremos” (I Suffered, We all Suffered). Those words reveal Inhauser’s major purpose in this article: not only to show his personal pain, as an individual and an authentic Brazilian , but also to identify this pain with the pain of his fellow nationals, and more: to be a voice for this national pain. This I call “national therapy”. On doing this, Inhauser brought a little of a balsam to all of us, with his humor, to heal the frustration our “seleção” caused in us.

    It’s just impossible to resist the charm of such a personality, such a “World’s Citizen”! How fortunate I am for having one day enjoyed his gracious friendship!

